Tis the season to be jolly. The lights and the trees are up. Our Christmas programs are upon us. The presents should be almost purchased. The malls are packed with shoppers and Santa's, and snow is on the ground in the great Northwest! It's Christmas time...doesn't it sound like it to you?
It's almost cliche (and I absolutely detest cliches) to say "in the midst of all the holiday excitement lets not loose sight of what Christmas is really all about!" I've heard it said a hundred times, and I'm only 29. But it's true. However the reality of that "not forgetting" usually ends up being we make it to the traditional candle light service at church or if we're real hard core maybe we'll read Luke 1:26 - 2:20 in the bible and maybe take a quick shot of communion Christmas morning before we get to what all of our minds are really on which is the presents sitting wrapped up beneath our tree right? I appreciate the sentiment, I really do, it's all admirable stuff we do, but honestly is that all we've got? Let's not let spending 10 minutes of ceremonious, traditional time before we get to the part of Christmas we are really waiting for be the way we roll any more! I am determined in this season more than ever before in my life to fix my heart and mind upon the real Jesus. In the midst of the season where we celebrate his birth, we as Christians are generally less focused on him at this time of year than any other. I'm not talking about baby Jesus...I'm talking about the true and living way! The word, the son a man, the first and last, the truth and the life, the Christo, Yeshua!! I'm talking about the Jesus of Revelation 1 with eyes like fire, hair as white as wool, Feet like brass, and a sharp two edged sword coming from his mouth! Because that's the Jesus that I need, that's the Jesus who saved me and can save our world!
Whatever you have to do get your eyes focused on the real Jesus or keep your eyes focused on the real Jesus during this busy holiday season...do it friend! The time we are supposed to be celebrating his birth isn't the time we should be taking off, it's the time we should be pressing in. Tomorrow our churches will be exceptionally full...are we ready? Or have we been too busy shopping and preparing the program to prepare our hearts? The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus came that we may have life, and life more abundantly. A life in him...in the name of Jesus...it's not a cliche and it's not a prepositional phrase...it's a condition of the heart. Let's keep our minds fixed on the real Messiah this holiday season, not the little baby laying in the manger. The Power is in the risen, living Yeshua. This is about him and nothing less. Thank you Yahweh for sending your son!
Merry CHRISTmas Y'all,
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