Friday, February 5, 2010


Habakkuk 2:2 says write the vision, make it plain so that he may run who reads it. If you hang around me much at all you know I consider this to be a spiritual principal not just some words on a page. I teach this as a mandate, a playbook, a road map to seeing your dreams come true. The funny thing is that inside or outside the Kingdom of God truth is truth, and it's just a fact of life that if you write down your goals, and dreams and visions, read them, share them you are much more likely to see those things become reality in your life.

However one thing we often leave out is EVALUATION. Where am I? How am I doing? In this process of reaching my goals weather it be in your ministry, personal life, or business it important to write down your goal, keep the goal in front of you consistently by reading it, and share it with others who will support you. I believe it's important also to evaluate your progress. Give yourself a report card...not everyday that's too much pressure, but periodically. Weather that mean monthly, quarterly, or whatever have a plan in place to evaluate your progress....hold yourself accountable! It's the old business adage of "inspect what you expect".

I evaluated myself on my yearly goals the other day and to be honest with you based on my own grading of myself (Im probably harder on myself than anyone) I was ranking a solid B- overall. What does that tell me? Well it tells me that I need to make some adjustments if I truly want these goals to be more than words on paper. Don't be afraid to evaluate your progress as it relates to your goals. It takes 5 minuets and a little courage! I believe it's important and will help you acheive what you are believing for! Faith without action is dead.......Let's breathe life into our faith today!

Have a great weekend all!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The greatest love of all.....

"I believe that children are our future....teach them well and let them lead the way...give them a sense of pride..." OK depending on your age and your music taste you may or may not already be familiar with the Whitney Houston classic "The greatest love of all" I've got know idea how many weeks that song spent at #1 back in the day, but I'm pretty sure it was a lengthy stint. The essence of the message of the song is that self love is the greatest love of all. I remember singing that song in a school program in the second grade. Wow! That was a long time ago. Whitneys' getting old...come to think of am I!! So what's the point here Chad...Okay I'll get to it eventually.
As Christians, Jesus Lovers, God Chasers, I think we could all agree that "Self Love" is not the greatest love of all. However I believe it is important to love one's self. The important matter is perspective and the filter through which that love flows. Our filter of self love or how we view ourself can flow through one of two avenues. The love that comes from the world and/or our own flesh, which if you know Whitney Houston's story at all let to a road marked with terrible addiction, and heartache. Or a love of self can flow through the filter of the love of God.
If our self perspective and self worth is filtered through the world and our flesh it becomes tainted. Many, many people struggle with self-worth issues, depression, even suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Why? Because the filter through which they view themselves is the world and their flesh. When this is the case we are looking at the media, friends, those we consider to be cool, family members, ect to give us our sense of self worth. This is a loosing battle. I know because I've been there. Proverbs 27:20 tells us death and destruction are never satisfied, so the eyes of a man are never satisfied. The proverb likens the eyes of man to death and destruction. Sin = Death. Romans 6:23 says the wages (or reward, or secondary consequence)of sin is death. We are born into sin as a result of the sin of the first man Adam as the Bible tells us in the book of Genesis. If we never change the filter of our self perspective it's naturally a filter of sin and death and flesh....therefore according to Proverbs it will never satisfy. We will never feel complete, we will always be searching for something we can never find through the filter of the world. This is why we often look to relationships to satisfy and they never do. Some people turn to drugs, or sex, or money to give them a sense of self worth. But what is received from those avenues lasts only momentarily and always leaves us wanting more...eventually resulting in tragic circumstances for you and those around you. So what do we have to do? Change the filter! The one we've got is dirty! It doesn't work right!!
The only way to truly be able to love ourselves or view ourselves in a healthy way that will satisfy is to know that there is a God that loves us with an amazing love. The bible says that this love reaches to the Heavens Psalm 36:5....that's a lot of love! That love is waiting to be poured out on you! It's a love that satisfies...and you can always come back for more without it ruining your life. You can be addicted to the love of God with no possibility of winding up on the TV show "Intervention", and it will take you higher every time you go to God to get your fix! It won't drain you dry, it will fill you up! The love of dudes and chicks outside of the love of God will never satisfy you...because people will fail you, and when they do you'll be a lost soul once again if their love is what was fulfilling you. Sex...well outside of God's love will just turn you into a sick perv, and quite possibly leave you with some nasty diseases or the responsibility of a child you aren't ready for. Drugs...we all know...the high last for moments and only leaves you needing another fix or another hit. The wife of the youth pastor at my church Holly Begneston says "there's a God shaped hole in each one of our hearts and He's the only one that can fill it." I believe that. We are born into a spiritual condition that causes death to our soul. We can try to fill that hole in our heart with any number of things...but anything we fill it with never fits correctly because it was designed for God. It's like a puzzle that you can't find the last piece to. It's never going to be complete until you find that piece. I don't like cheesy plays on words but you could say that God is the "peace" that you are missing. When you respond to his Love you become whole. The missing piece and peace is can be at peace with yourself and who you are because you know that God loves you! You can be an authentic YOU and not a cheap imitation of someone else!
Here are some good scriptures to meditate on about a God who passionately love YOU!
Psalm 36:5, John 3:16, 1st John 4:19, 1st John 4:7, 1st John 3:1............And there are many more throughout scripture. The "Greatest Love of All" is Gods love for you! The scripture says in 1st John 4:19 we love him because he first loved us. It all starts with him! Our ability to love him, others, and ourselves.........starts one place. With the love of God!
I pray that every reader begins today to grow in a greater revelation of God's love for Jesus Name!

Alright peace the heck out homies.....have a great day!
